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Hakuna Matata 

"I am a young bird yearning to fly, for I have yet to know my freedom in its purest form, and my freedom has yet to know me."
Mariana Paiva - OLMaters







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A Little Poem:



Some find home where love resides

In their lover’s bed

In a quiet night.

Some find home within their soul

in caring for others

or letting things go.

I think home is just a name

Wherever you go it is the same

The ones who love you will set you free

so rest your soul and let it be.


About Mariana


Hi! My name is Mariana Paiva, I'm currently a 10th grader, and have been working in the OLMatters team for about a year now.  I have studied in OLM since I can remember, and have never been in any other school.


I am a hopeless romantic, who loves chocolate, reading and writing. I remember reading my first book and thinking that it had been the worst experience I had ever gone through. Oh! How wrong I was! Throughout the years I have acquired an obsession for books, and  now a days, I'm trying to perfect my own literary skills.


If I were to compare myself to an animal, it would probably be a bird. A very young bird who yearns to spread its wings and fly, but can´t quite do it yet, as it does not know how to. I feel like there is a lot of life to live and freedom to embrace outside the academic walls, which I have not experienced yet.


However, as my mother often likes to remind me: I still have a long way to go and a lot of memorable moments to experience. Therefore, as for the present, I intend to enjoy each moment of it as best as I can. 


""Carpe Diem" or rather, "Hakuna Matata ."  .

The following phrases belong to the site ""


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